

While Grave is lost in a trance staring at a group photo of the friends from his childhood, Harry is driving down the highway with the full realization that the other higher-ups in Millennion have seized Harry's bank accounts and are now trying to kill him. However, Harry remains comforted by Sherry's body in the passenger seat and the understanding that Harry, himself, has become Millennion. Grave traverses slowly down the street towards his old home in the slums, growing more tired and shattering more severely with each step. Harry, who has located one of the laboratories where OrgMen are created, activates his soldiers to take back Millennion. Meanwhile, Biscoe is examining the new anti-OrgMen bullets which the other Millennion members are distributing to form a mass-scale strike force against the bio-engineered creatures. Harry is seen attending a funeral for Sherry, at which Harry is the sole attendee.
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